Thursday, March 21, 2013

Brochure Idea Homework - 3/21/2013

  In this new project that my class got to do is to do a brochure for a someone that has a company or wants to make a company. And so in this project  I got a client named Sonia P., also she would like us to do a brochure for her company that is a Dj Equipment Seller. Also she want this brochure because she needs one and she wants to let everyone what she does, plus she wants to see what we can do. As well if she likes it, she can even pay us to do more and more for her business. In the the other hand we decided to do the do all the panels, but we are going to do mostly more of second - fourth panel with the Headlines, images, and more. Finally, also one plan for this brochure is that we can all help each other with any panels or we can switch roles of what to do if they want.
  The brochure that my 2 friends and I are going to do is going to be divide, like in the group I'm going to do the second,third, and fourth panels. And my two members of the group they are going to do the first,fifth, and the sixth panels. Also I chose to do the second - fourth panels in this brochure, because I got some ideas and images of that to put on the inside of the brochure. Plus, the other members can do the other 3 panels, so they can help me and get something done. In the other hand, I would share my work to them in there computer or some other way so they can agree with it or they can tell me what I can change to make it better.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Reflection Blog - Project 4

Using complete paragraphs, answer each question on your blog. Email the link to view your posting by the end of the class.

1. What was the goal of Project 4?
 My goal for Project 4 was to aim the client's logo for it Quinoa company. And I took notes also when my group interview the client for the first time.  Also I went online to see other advertisements of Quinoa and to get a little of idea what can I put on the logo. For example I can get the color or the font of the text I can use to write Quinoa Or I can get a little idea of a background. As well in the second time when my group meet with client my logo didn't match my notes, but with the ideas that later on the client wanted and told us again what he wanted so I did it, as well I think I did not great but a good job in my second logo for the client's Quinoa company.
2. What information did you get from your client about how to proceed with the project?
 The first time that my group meet with the client we took our notebooks or binders to take notes what the client wanted in the logo or the project. The information that I got from the client about the project was that he wanted farmers working on the Quinoa's land . As well he wanted a nice text of the project with a font and size where people can read it well. Also the client wanted a logo with good information to show that you can eat Quinoaand you can replace it with rice or soup. In the other hand he also wanted  to spread this product everywhere.
3. What did you create for the comp, and what was the reaction from your client?
 For my comp I did a logo that I didn't put my ideas on and it wasn't the ideas of the client for the project. And I just put a picture of Quinoa's muffins and that wasn't what the client wanted. Also the background that was two colors didn't go with the logo. And the text I only put Quinoa, when it had to be " Don Condero's Quinoa ". Plus the client's reaction has not good, he was happy that I didn't follow the notes that I took. Finally he took me what to change and to use the notes that I took in the first ingterview.
4. What changes did you make to your project?
 I did a lot of changes in my project, first I start with the text font and the size so people can see what is the product. And the second thing I change the background a little, like I made the background's color lighter so the people can see is it and not with a dark color. The third thing I change was that in the second logo I did for my project was that I use two wind wills. The fourth thing that I change was that in the second logo I did I put more information. Finally, the last thing I change was the picture of the Quinoa's seed land and I put a different one.
5. How did you utilize members in your group for this project?
 I utilize members in my group for this project not good and not bad, like when we did the client sheet we all walked about it. And we all chose what parts they want to do, so later we can write it on the computer. Also I walk around see like a idea I can put on my logo but different not the same as them. As well we all the work and we some came up with the question for our first interview with the project. Finally, I think we come of talk to each other and plan things more better like to help each other with the project.
6. How do you feel about the finished results of your project?
 Well, I feel like I could of done more better in the finished results of my project in class. Like I think I didn't meet my goals for this project 4 and to be honest I think the teachers could have been more describing in leaving what they want. Because like on Friday we didn't know we had to present and also we didn't know that we had to save our projects in JPG. But not JPG on Adobe Photoshop, but in Adobe Indesign and as well no one did it because we didn't know. Overall I liked this project that we did and well am already with my success that I did for this project.