Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yearbook Review Homework

 In our class we started with other project called " Yearbook " and in this project we had to make a yearbook of our self and we choose our own group members. And so I worked with my friends Paul M. and Edgar M. , my role in the project was to be the Art Designer. Also as a Art Designer I had to put all the layout of how the yearbook is going to come out and where is the information and photos going , and my group members Paul M. was the photographer and Edgar M. the Editor. Plus, I think we didn't do good in the yearbook because I did my part of the work and  Paul did his work but wrong and still can't work with the layers of Design. As well, Edgar wasn't here for 3 days so he didn't finish his work and we couldn't get his work to add it on mine so we can all have it together. In the other hand, I had to help Paul with his work because he had everything in all the places and also I did 6 pages in the yearbook, Edgar & Paul did 5 pages and I still try my best to do it all. And I feel like I did a good job in my role because I made a layout of how and which parts everyone is doing. Finally, from the 3 of us in the group I think I did a good job and I think I also needed a little more information and more pictures because I only used like 3 or 4.

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